Saturday, March 22, 2014

How Unique are You? (Physical Traits)

Phenotype is the observable trait of an organism. We don't need to have scientific approach here. We just want to know if you are one of those dominants or one of the few recessives. There are some physical traits that are quite unusual like only few people in the world acquire those characteristics.

The following are some of the physical traits that can make you a little unique.

      Left handed - around 10%
Morton's Toe
      (The big toe is slightly shorter than the second toe) - around 10%

Can Fold/Roll the tongue
      Can roll the tongue - 65-81%

Ear lobes, Attached or Detached

      Attached - 64%
      Detached - 36%

Dimples (Gelasin)

      have dimples - (1 out of 5) 20%

Hitchhiker's Thumb

      Hitchhiker's thumb - around 25%

 Finger Print

      Loops - 65%
      Whirls - 30%
      Arches - 5%

Wisdom Teeth

      Born without wisdom teeth - 35%

Hair Type

      Curly - 11%
      Wavy - 34%

Hair Color

      Red - 1-2%
      Blonde - 2%

Eye Color

      Green - 2%      
      Blue - 8%
      Hazel - 5-8%
      Brown - 55%

Belly Button

      Outtie - 10%


      Webbed - (1 in every 2000) 0.05%
Hand Clasp
      Left over right - 49%
      Right over left - 50%
      No preference -  1%

Simean Crease

      (line all the way across your palm) - (1out of 30) 3.33%

Sneeze after Bright Light

      Photo Sneeze Reflex - 18-35%
Cleft Chin
       born with cleft chin - <5%

Hair Line

Double jointed Fingers

Hair Swirl Direction

Darwin's Tubercle

... And of course, i need to know my not so common physical traits... here's a video. :)

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