
My name is Vanne. When i was young, i used to have a journal. My whole day was written in my journal. Daily input--very dedicated. I just love to keep tangible memories-- writing about my day, little memorabilia, even receipts from restaurants, post its, letters, etc.

I used to blog (high school days) before but it's hard to manage time. Priority is school, of course. I started blogging again last year but I have no time. One of my new year's resolution is to maintain this new blog and have a regular uploads in my YouTube channel. I didn't tell my friends about my blog and YouTube channel because I just want to know if a complete stranger will spare his/her time to read my posts and watch my videos.

Thank you for reading my posts and watching my videos. :)

"Love is like pi -- natural, irrational, and very important." -Lisa Hoffman  

"Real girls aren't perfect. Perfect girls aren't real."