Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tagaytay (Picnic Grove and Sky Ranch)

Weekend bonding with my family and some relatives.

If you have a vehicle, prepare a little amount of money because you have to pay some parking fee... and entrance fee. 

Taal Volcano is one of best. Imagine an island inside a lake which is on an island that is within a lake on an island. Imagine? Only in the Philippines. :)

 Tagaytay Zip Line and Cable Car.

Two sets of tickets: One is for the ride and the other one is for the souvenir.
Here's the souvenir picture. That's me and my cousin's son.

Just a quick selfie from the souvenir shop after having a zip line ride. They have lots of good stuffs and the prices are reasonable. :)

A view from People's Park in the Sky or simply People's Park. It is also called the Palace in the Sky. It is located on top on Mount Gonzales.
Just a few kilometers, Tagaytay Sky Ranch is a place to visit. Wait, entrance fee costs Php50.00.

Ticket Prices (Sky Ranch):

              Sky Eye              - Php 150
              Super Viking       - Php 100
              Nessi Coaster     - Php 50
              Red Baron          - Php 50
              Wonder Flight    - Php 50
              Mini Viking         - Php 50
              Express Train     - Php 50
              Carousel            - Php 50

...And here's a little video...

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